Ashta Siddhis

Ashta Siddhis

Siddhis are the spiritual attainments (accomplishments/ abilities/ powers/ knowledge) that a spiritual seeker accomplishes over the period of his spiritual journey. Dharmic traditions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism talk about supernatural powers a Yogi attains through the practice of varities of Yoga (Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Rajayoga)

Ashta Siddhis are the Eight famous accomplishments that a Yogi gains over time through his practices. Eight Siddhis listed in the Hindu texts [3] are:

  1. Aṇimā: The power to reduce one's physical body to the size of an atom (Anu), allowing the person to become invisible or enter even the smallest of spaces.
  2. Mahimā: The ability to expand one's physical body to an immense size, allowing the person to encompass vast areas or even the entire universe.
  3. Garimā: The power to make one's physical body extremely heavy at will, making it impossible for others to lift or move.
  4. Laghimā: The ability to make one's physical body extremely light, so they can defy gravity and float or fly.
  5. Prāpti: The ability to obtain anything desired, such as wealth, knowledge, or power, or to be able to reach any place instantly.
  6. Prākāmya: The power to fulfill any desire, the ability to accomplish things as per wish. 
  7. Īśitva: The power of divine control over creation, mastery over nature’s elements.
  8. Vaśitva: The ability to control or influence other people or beings, bending them to one’s will.


Hanuman Chalisa in the 33rd verse [1] mentions Ashta Siddhis

Ashta siddhi nav nidhi ke daata
As var deen Janki maata

Ss per the above verse, Lord Hanuman was blessed by mother Janaki (Sita) with Ashta Siddhis and Nine Nidhis (Nine treasures)


How to attain Siddhis?

Janma auṣadhi mantra tapaḥ samādhijāḥ siddhayaḥ- Patanjali Yoga Sutras 4.1

According to Patanjali Yoga Sutras [2], spiritual powers are attained through various means such as:

  • Birth (Janma): One may be born with accomplishments because of his/ her past life attainments.
  • Herbs (Auṣadhi): From the use of Herbs or medicinal substances; Chemicals are said to have the ability to free specific parts of the brain and nervous system, thus amplifying one's ability to perceive things that are not ordinarily perceivable.
  • Mantra: Attained through chanting or repetition of mantras/ Sacred sounds/ phrases/ incantations. Mantras help improve concentration, or activate chakras (astral nodes), thus elevating stillness and awakening potential within.
  • Penance (Tapaḥ): Tapah is the disciplined practice of Yogic practices such as Pranayama, Yogasana, Mudra, Bhanda. Even practice of rituals, mantras and even ordinary things but with dedication and discipline over long time qualifies as penance.
  • Samādhi:  Samadhi, the highest state of being, when one attains that, opens one up to all varieties of spiritual powers. One has to work for years to attain just a single spiritual power, but if one works on samadhi, he is guaranteed everything.



  1. Hanuman Chalisa Verse 33
  2. Patanjali Yoga Sutras 4.1
  3. One Hundred and Eight messages from Maharshi Nagendranath, message 106, page 46, 2012



