God Quotes
- However impure we may be, the closer we get to God, our impurities will burn away in the purity of his Fire. - Maharshi Nagendranath Bhaduri [1]
- When silence meets Silence one goes into a spiritual trance. God is the ultimate silence. He is so refined and subtle that you cannot see him or hear him with your physical ears and eyes. You need concentration to perceive anything which is too fine, similarly you need full concentration to perceive God and have God realization. With your senses cimpletely withdrawn you fall into silence and in this silence you have a realization of the silent one. - Maharshi Nagendranath Bhaduri [2]
- One who loves lord Govinda and lives in a small, dark hut and does not possess gold, silver or any precious jewels is a rich man. Someone who does not love God and lives in a grand house and possesses gold, silver, precious jewels and elephants and horses is a poor man . - Maharshi Nagendranath Bhaduri [3]
- When zero is put after any number, then only sero attains any value. We are all zeroes and we can only attain some value if we come close to, be attached to lord Govinda. - Maharshi Nagendranath Bhaduri [4]
- As long as our sense of ego lasts, the feeling of 'me' and 'mine' will remain. We should think, "I have my hands and feet and ears and eyes and intelligence and emotion, so why should I not do all the work myself? Why trouble God?" This is a high state of devotion. It makes one active and alert. - Maharshi Nagendranath Bhaduri [10]
- The true devotee understands the ways of God. Through suffering, trials and tribulations God is actually clearing the path of the devotee. It is his way of dispelling the results of the devotee's karma, so that he can be drawn faster to his lotus feet. Without this suffering, it would take many births for the devotee to find salvation. Hence, when a man is put through trials and suffering, it is actually God's mercy that is being showered on him. - Maharshi Nagendranath Bhaduri [12]
- Devotion is an inherent quality of human nature. It is in the heart of every creature. Under worldliness and evil, it remians suppressed and is not manifested. In the company of holy men, one hears repeated discussions about God and then suppressed devotion becomes manifested. - Maharshi Nagendranath Bhaduri [5]
- You need not necessarily know God in order to love him. We all eat rice without knowing its chemical composition, even then we enjoy eating it and it nourishes us. Look at the fish in the sea, they know nothing of the vastness and depth of the sea, yet they live happily in the sea water. Likewise, great devotees of Lord Vishnu, Sri Narada Muni, and others, all live in the deep ocean of divine love; without attempting to analyze the nature of this ocean.- Maharshi Nagendranath Bhaduri [7]
- The easiest way to attain God is through Devotion. - Maharshi Nagendranath Bhaduri [9]
- Knowledge is like the hard covering of a coconut. Under the hard coconut shell is hidden the cool and tasty water of the coconut. Anyone wanting to taste that cool water will have to first crack the hard shell. Devotion is like the cool water of the coconut lying within the hard shell of knowledge. anyone who has the intellectual ability can take path of knowledge. However, it is more difficult to attain devotion, it needs special ability, the ability to be like the sweet and soothing water of the coconut. - Maharshi Nagendranath Bhaduri [11]
- Engage in worldly activities but without any sense of the ego. Do all your work but know it to be God's work. Know God to be the master and take care of your family, your household, your profession at his bidding. Be at his service all the time and carry out your daily activities as his orders. Think all your work to be God's work.- Maharshi Nagendranath Bhaduri [15]
- Just as when the sun rises, darkness disappears; when it rains the dust is washed away and the trees and plants look fresh and green; similarly when one hears about God and remembers him, all the dust and darkness of the devotee's mind is cleared. His heart is purified and it is filled with joy and peace. His face shines with beauty and his words become sweet as nector.- Maharshi Nagendranath Bhaduri [18]
- Pray, pray to God intensely and under all circumstances. Disease, pain, sorrow or immoral thoughts-- whenever you suffer from any of these, pray to God for relief. If you pray sincerely and with full faith, you will surely get an instant reply. He hears all our prayers and grants us our prayer, provided it is right and beneficial. - Maharshi Nagendranath Bhaduri [6]
- God is living and awake. We can get his response even amidst our everyday activities, if we concentrate with devotion and faith. - Maharshi Nagendranath Bhaduri [14]
- There are countless situations in our lives when God's mercy has been clearly manifested but unfortunately we fail to notice them and fail to recognize them as God's grace- Maharshi Nagendranath Bhaduri [14]
- Your mind and the world will never give you full opportunity to pray. You have to call God in spite of your sickness, suffering and restlessness. If you think you will take his name when you have mental peace, and you are feeling physically fit, then that time will never come. If you stand by the sea shore and say, "Let the waves stop, and then I shall breathe", in that case you will never be able to bathe in the at all. - Maharshi Nagendranath Bhaduri [8]
Purity/ Cleanliness
- However hungry we may be we eat only clean food and not poisonous food, however thirsty we may be we drink only clean water and not polluted water. Why should we then not take the clean path in life that leads to Lord Gobinda? It is the only path that gives true joy and peace. - Maharshi Nagendranath Bhaduri [13]
- If you do not have the financial strength to arrange elaborate pujas, it does not matter. Worship God with the wonderful inner qualities that god has given you. People set the altar on a golden, silver or wooden throne, make your heart the lotus throne of God. People offer the holy tulsi leaves to God, offer your knowledge as the holy leaf. People offer fragrant flowers and incense, offer your sanctified behaviour instead. People use jewels to ornament God, use instead selflessness to ornament him, Worship him with the flower of kindness and garland him with the continuous utterance of his holy name. - Maharshi Nagendranath Bhaduri [16]
- Before you eat, first offer the food to God and then eat. Such offering purifies the food. Prahlad was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu. His demon father, Hiranyakaashipu, offered him poisoned food, but since Prahlad first offered the food to his God Nara Hari, it was purified and nothing happened to him even though he ate it. - Maharshi Nagendranath Bhaduri [17]
- One hundred and eight messages from Maharshi Nagendranath, Message 58, page 32
- One hundred and eight messages from Maharshi Nagendranath, Message 62, page 33
- One hundred and eight messages from Maharshi Nagendranath, Message 65, page 34
- One hundred and eight messages from Maharshi Nagendranath, Message 67, page 34
- One hundred and eight messages from Maharshi Nagendranath, Message 68, page 34
- One hundred and eight messages from Maharshi Nagendranath, message 71, page 35, 2012
- One hundred and eight messages from Maharshi Nagendranath, message 72, page 35, 2012
- One hundred and eight messages from Maharshi Nagendranath, message 73, page 36, 2012
- One hundred and eight messages from Maharshi Nagendranath, message 74, page 36, 2012
- One hundred and eight messages from Maharshi Nagendranath, Message 78, page 37
- One hundred and eight messages from Maharshi Nagendranath, message 80, page 37, 2012
- One hundred and eight messages from Maharshi Nagendranath, message 85, page 40, 2012
- One hundred and eight messages from Maharshi Nagendranath, message 86, page 40, 2012
- One hundred and eight messages from Maharshi Nagendranath, message 88, page 40, 2012
- One hundred and eight messages from Maharshi Nagendranath, message 94, page 42, 2012
- One hundred and eight messages from Maharshi Nagendranath, Message 99, page 44
- One hundred and eight messages from Maharshi Nagendranath, message 100, page 44
- One hundred and eight messages from Maharshi Nagendranath, message 103, page 45, 2012